Keyboard Shortcuts

General Window Management & Browser Shortcuts

Action Mac Windows
Open Chrome Developer Tools cmd+option + i F2 or ctrl + shift + i
Refresh page cmd + R ctrl + R
Switch between applications cmd + tab alt + tab
Switch between windows in the same application cmd + ~

Atom Shortcuts

Files, Windows, Tabs Management

Command macOS Windows Linux Description
Open Settings Menu cmd+, ctrl+, ctrl+, Opens the Atom’s settings menu
Open File (Fuzzy) cmd+p
Opens the Fuzzy Finder
Browse Open Files cmd+b ctrl+b ctrl+b Browse tabs within the window
Previous Tab alt+cmd+left ctrl+pageup ctrl+pageup Cycles left through open tabs (in the active pane)
Next Tab alt+cmd+right ctrl+pagedown ctrl+pagedown Cycles right through open tabs (in the active page)
Toggle Tree View cmd+\ ctrl+\ ctrl+\ Toggles Atom’s file Tree View
Show Available Snippets alt+shift+s alt+shift+s alt+shift+s Shows the snippets available to Atom
Save cmd+s ctrl+s ctrl+s Saves the currently active file
Save As shift+cmd+s ctrl+shift+s ctrl+shift+s Saves the currently active file under a different name
Save All alt+cmd+s Saves all changed files
Close Tab cmd+w ctrl+w ctrl+w Closes the currently active tab
Close Window shift+cmd+w ctrl+shift+w ctrl+shift+w Closes the currently active editor window
Split Window cmd+k up/down/left/right ctrl+k up/down/left/right ctrl+k up/down/left/right Split the currently active tab in one of the four directions
Focus Pane cmd+k cmd+up/down/left/right ctrl+k ctrl+up/down/left/right ctrl+k ctrl+up/down/left/right Move the focus to the pane in one of the four directions
Toggle full screen ctrl+cmd+f F11 F11 Toggle full screen window


Command macOS Windows Linux Description
Duplicate Lines shift+cmd+d ctrl+shift+d ctrl+shift+d Duplicates the line of the current cursor position and creates a new line under it with the same contents
Delete Line ctrl+shift+k ctrl+shift+k ctrl+shift+k Deletes the current line
Move Line Up ctrl+cmd+up ctrl+up ctrl+up Moves the contents of the current cursor position up one line. If there is a line above with content, the current lines content will swap with the one above it.
Move Line Down ctrl+cmd+down ctrl+down ctrl+down Moves the contents of the current cursor position down one line. If there is a line below with content, the line’s content will swap with the one below it.
Find/Replace cmd+f ctrl+f ctrl+f Opens up the Find/Replace panel
Find Next cmd+g F3 F3 Toggles forward through the results of the current buffer in the file while the Find/Replace panel is active
Find Previous shift+cmd+g shift+F3 shift+F3 Toggles backward through the results of the current buffer in the file while the Find/Replace panel is active
Find in Project shift+cmd+f ctrl+shift+f ctrl+shift+f Opens the Find in Project Panel
Go To Line ctrl+g ctrl+g ctrl+g Opens the Go To Line panel
Go To Matching Bracket ctrl+m ctrl+m ctrl+m The cursor goes to the matching top bracket that the cursor is ecapsulated in
Select Line cmd+l ctrl+l ctrl+l Selects the entire line the cursor’s current position is in
Toggle Comment cmd+/ ctrl+/ ctrl+/ Toggles the selected text into a comment of the current grammar
Column Selection ctrl+shift+up/down ctrl+alt+up/down shift+alt+up/down Allows to select multiple rows, where the same edit will be applied
Select Same Words cmd+d ctrl+d ctrl+d If you select a word, and then hit the key combo for this command, Visual Studio Codewill select the next same word for you. Then you can either type directly (which will replace the old words) or use left or right arrow to append things.
Undo Selection cmd+u ctrl+u ctrl+u This undoes the previous selection, like from Select Same Words.
Select All The Same Words At Once cmd+ctrl+g alt+f3 alt+f3 This shortcut is similar to cmd+d/ctrl+d but it selects all the matching words at once.