Conditionals tests whether an “expression” evaluates to true or false and then makes a decision based on the results of that test
if statements are the most common form of conditionals
There are two types of if statements
(if..else) statements
(if..else if) statements
when evaluating between just two choices, use if/else
These are great for “either or” situations
You do not specify a condition for the “else” clause
// if..else statement
if (condition) {
code to run if condition is true
} else {
code to run if the above condition is NOT true
run some other code
Sometimes you’ll find that you don’t need an else clause. These are scenarios where you
let brushedTeeth = false
alert('Great job, you brushed your teeth!');
} else {
alert('Go your brush teeth man, your breath is hot right now!');
when evaluation among more than two choices, use if/else if
You must specify a condition on the “else if” clause
You can use as many else if
clauses as you need
// if..else if statement
if (condition) {
code to run if this condition is true
} else if (another condition) {
code to run if this condition is true
} else {
code to run if NONE of the above conditions are true
run some other code
let yourGrade = 84;
if (yourGrade >= 90) {
alert("Congrats your score is 90 or above, that's an A!");
} else if (yourGrade >= 80) {
alert("Congrats your score is 80 or above, you earned a B");
} else {
alert("Your score is less than 80, no bueno");