Flexbox Terminology


Flex Container

  • The parent element in which flex items are contained

  • Defined using the flex or inline-flex values of the display property

    • flex: will make the flex-container a block-level element

    • inline-flex: will make the flex-container an inline element

Flex Item

  • Children of a flex container

Main Axis

  • The axis along which the flex items follow each other

  • flex-direction property determines the main axis

Cross Axis

  • The axis perpendicular to the main axis

Main Axis and Cross Axis changes with Flex Direction

  • If the flex-direction is row or row-reverse then the main axis will be along the horizontal plane and the cross axis will be along the vertical plane

  • If the flex-direction is column or column-reverse then the main axis will be along the vertical plane and the cross axis will be along the horizontal plane