

  • Every box has a border, and by default it is invisible (0 pixels wide)

  • Borders separates the edge of one box from another

  • Border is expressed in three parts

    • Border width: how thick the border will be

    • Border style: solid, dashed, etc

    • Border color: color of the border

    border is most usually expressed using shorthand
    which allows you to specify a combination of the border 3 properties

    when using shorthand for border the order of the values does not matter

  /* style */
  border: solid;

  /* width | style */
  border: 2px dotted;

  /* style | color */
  border: outset #f33;

  /* width | style | color */
  border: medium dashed green;

    Border can be applied to individual
    sides of a box using border-top, border-bottom,
    border-left or border-right
  border-top: solid 1px blue;

    Also you can specify the border properties individually (this approach is not widely used)

  border-color: red;
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 1px;

  border-top-color: blue;
  border-bottom-width: 3px;

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