CSS Selectors

CSS Selectors Overview

  • Many different types of selectors that allow you to target rules to specific elements in an HTML document

  • Selectors are case sensitive, must match element names and attributes exactly

Selector Meaning Example
Universal Selector Applies to all elements *{}
Type Selector Match elements names h1, h2, h3 {}
Class Selector Matches all elements with a class attribute value matching on specified after a period (.) .hint {}, p.hint {}
ID Selector Matches all elements with a id attribute value matching on specified after a hash (#) #offer {}
Child Selector Matches elements that are a direct child of another li > a {}
Descendant Selector Matches element that is a direct descendant of another (not just the child) p a {}
Adjacent Sibling Selector Matches first element that is a sibling of another h1+p {}
General Sibling Selector Matches all elements that is a sibling of another h1~p {}
Attribute Selector Attribute selectors select an element using the presence of a given attribute or attribute value input[type="email"] {}
Pseudo Class Selector Selector that specifies a special state of the selected element(s) a:visited
Pseudo Element Selector Selector that lets you style a specific part of the selected element(s) p::first-line

A complete list of all CSS Selectors can be found here