Exercise: Working with Github

Work together in pairs and follow the directions below.

Use this Guide as reference


  • 1) Fork this repository located on Github.com

  • 2) Clone the Repository using Github Desktop

  • 3) Save the local copy of the repository in your FEWD/github folder

  • 4) Open the project in Atom and and add the lyrics to Barney’s (you know the purple dinosaur) hit song “I Love You”. Save your work.

  • 5) Commit your changes using Github Desktop. Use the following commit message: “Added Barney lyrics”

  • 6) Push your changes to Github using Github Desktop

  • 7) Confirm that your changes were pushed by viewing your repository’s “commit history” on Github.

  • 8) Your client also wants an image of Barney to be added to the page. Find an image of Barney on the internet (family friendly please!) and updated your project in Atom.

  • 9) Commit your changes using Github Desktop. Use the following commit message: “Added Barney image”.

  • 10) Push your changes to Github using Github Desktop

  • 11) Confirm that your changes were pushed by viewing your repository’s “commit history” on Github.

  • 12) Next you will be submitting your work comments, make Pull Request, the title of the pull request should be “Completed barney website”

  • 13) Your client also wants you to add the lyrics to the Barney Theme song.

  • Go back to your project in Atom and add the lyrics to the Barney Theme song. Save your work

  • 15) Commit your changes using Github Desktop. Use the following commit message: “Added barney theme song lyrics”.

  • 16) Push your changes to Github using Github Desktop

  • 17) Confirm that your changes were pushed by viewing your repository’s “commit history” on Github.

  • 18) Observe, that you do not need to submit another Pull Request since your current Pull request is still “Open”.

Any commits pushed to a remote repository after a Pull Request has been made will be added to the existing Pull Request as long as it is still in an Open state