Body, Head & Title

<html>, <body>, <head>, <title>

The following tags make up the structure of all web pages

  • <html>

    • Represents the root (top-level element) of an HTML document, so it is also referred to as the root element

    • All other elements must be descendants of this element.

  • <body>

    • Everything inside the body tag is shown inside the browser window
  • <head>

    • Contains information about the page (vs shown on the pages

    • Title and Links to other files are usually specified in the head element

  • <title>

    • Text here is displayed in the top of the browser (or on the tab in Chrome or other browsers that use tabs)

<title> is just one of many tags that can be placed inside of <head>, we’ll see more of them as we go through the class, for more information click here

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<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- contains information about the page -->
    <title> Title of the page </title>

    <h1>Main Heading</h1>
    <p>Some cool content</p>

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what is the DOCTYPE? There have been several versions of HTML and because of this each web page should begin with a DOCTYPE declaration to tell a browser which version of HTML the page is using (browsers will still usually display the page even if it is not included).